
Browse here for announcements and general interest articles. Use the menu bar above (or main menu drop-down) for events.

The ABC of Intelligence
The ABC of (business) Intelligence
Intelligence just isn’t what it used to be! This brief history of BI (and AI, and CI) might provide some perspective.
Case Studies
Making the Case for Case Studies
This is why we love Case Studies - and why we love our partners when they get involved!
Phone out of service
Testing Times for Top Telco
How thoroughly do you test your software upgrades? Or “10 million customers can’t be wronged”.
Man with head in AI cloud
Is ChatGPT coming for your Accountancy job?
A team of academics recently tried to answer that question. We asked for a second opinion.
Orchid releases a new update for Info-Explorer
Info-Explorer is now a 64-bit application, which increases the maximum size possible for a cube. This update also incorporates a number of other improvements.
Welcome to!
We thought our powerful, affordable, versatile Info-Explorer BI tool deserved a wider audience, so we've given it a new home.
The humble barcode has just turned 50!
We take a ‘This is Your Life’ look at the barcode as it celebrates its half-century.